Thyroid disorders treatment in vijayawada

Thyroid problems include a variety of disorders that can result in the gland producing very little thyroid known as hypothyroidism and the production of very much thyroid known as hyperthyroidism. Thyroid usually affects the heart rate, energy levels in the body, mood, metabolism, health of the bone, and during pregnancy. The symptoms usually depend on the hormone, if it’s under producing or over producing. Sometimes the body’s immune system reverse attack the body. In such cases, Thyroid doctors in Vijayawada successful cure thyroid by using medications, therapies, and surgeries.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, usually, thyroid attack is identified when the gland bulges out in the throat and be seen in the neck area. There are certain symptoms for thyroid, depending on the Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. 

Types of Thyroid and thyroid diseases. 

Mainly there are two types of the thyroids they are;


Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland is underactive, it releases too little of its hormones. This can cause the body’s function to slow down. This hypothyroidism is mostly caused by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The general way of preventing thyroid is by surgery, or by radiation treatment. This is caused by the lack of iodine/iodine deficiency, hypothalamus disorders, and medications related to heart, cancer, and bipolar disorders. Some of the symptoms include; fatigue, dry skin, memory problems, sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures, depression weight gain, and weakness in the body, fertility problems, and heavy and irregular periods. 

Hyperthyroidism is the opposite of hypothyroidism and is an over-active situation where it releases too much of its hormones, it over-activates the body's functions. Grave’s disease is one of the common causes and a condition called multinodular goiter is also a reason for hyperthyroidism. There are other causes namely, thyroid gland inflammation, too much intake of iodine, taking too much of thyroid medication, and non-cancerous pituitary gland tumor. Some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are; restlessness, nervousness, increased sweating, shaking, anxiety, thin skin, weight loss, muscle weakness, and bulging eyes. 

Goiter is an irregular growth of the thyroid gland, the growths which are precisely known as lumps/nodules on the thyroid gland. The most common and well-known cause of the goiter is the lack of iodine in the food we eat. Usually, the treatment depends on the symptoms and the cause of the goiter on the thyroid. The size and shape of the goiter obstruct the voice box and the airways. The symptoms include difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, cough and hoarseness, snoring, swelling, dizziness, feeling tightness in the throat area, and a lump in front of the neck. Some other causes of goiter are Grave’s disease, Hashimoto’s disease, thyroid cancer, pregnancy, and thyroiditis. 

Thyroid cancer is the growth of cancer cells that starts in the thyroid. This might not cause any symptoms at the beginning, but swelling in the neck, voice changes, and difficulty swallowing. There are many different types of cancers, most of them grow slowly and some types are aggressive as always. Many can be cured by the treatment and surgery. They are mostly identified with MRI and CT scanning, as mostly small cancers are found and will be cured with the treatment. Some other symptoms include the feeling of lumps in the neck, and changes in the voice which include hoarseness, swelling, and pain in the neck regions. Thyroid cancers can be hereditary or can be because of the tumors. Risk factors such as most commonly seen in women are exposure to high levels of radiation.  

It is important to identify the symptoms and take Thyroid problems treatment in Vijayawada by consulting your doctor. Thyroid specialist in Vijayawada diagnose and provide treatment on the type of thyroid.