Lung Diseases Treatment In vijayawada

When you breath the lungs the takes the oxygen from the air and releases it into the bloodstream, and helps us to exhale the carbon dioxide. It is a continuous process, a normal person breaths around 25000 times per day. People who are suffering with the lung diseases usually have the breathing problems. The term lung problems basically refers to the many conditions effecting the lungs, they are; Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, chronic cough, sinusitis, and Tuberculosis. All these diseases have the problem with breathing which is connected to everything.

Certainly there are many common symptoms for the lung diseases, they are:

  1. Breathlessness and it hurts while breathing
  2. Persistent/continuous cough
  3. Weight loss
  4. Fatigue and weakness
  5. Wheezing cough/ dry cough
  6. Chronic chest pain
  7. Chest infections
  8. Mucus production/ throwing up blood with the mucus
  9. Coughing up blood
  10. Might as well have fever
  11. Headaches and throat pains because of coughing.

Types of lung problems

There are certain types of lung diseases seen among the people and there is a separate diagnosis and treatment provided by Best pulmonologist in Vijayawada for every lung problems. As follow;

Asthma- Asthma is a chronic condition affecting the airways in the lungs, known as bronchial tubes, causing inflammation and hypersensitivity. It triggers symptoms such as smoke, air pollution, mold, and various chemical sprays can worsen symptoms. Allergies caused from pollen and dust mites, as well as respiratory infections, can also provoke reactions. You can always get treatment from Best doctors for breathing problems in Vijayawada

Some of the symptoms are;

  1. Difficulty breathing
  2. The airways constrict
  3. Wheezing and coughing
  4. Tightness in the chest and lack of energy.

During Asthma attack, you might experience;

  1. Difficulty in speaking
  2. Blue lips (lack of office)
  3. Sometimes the reliever medicine does not work
  4. Feeling distressed and exhausted from breathing
  5. You might feel something is struck in the throat and feels unable to take breath.

Pneumonia- Pneumonia is an infection that aggravates the air sacs in the lungs due to bacteria, viruses, or fungi. This causes fluid or pus to fill the sacs, making breathing difficult. Both bacterial and viral pneumonia are contagious, spreading through airborne droplets from coughs or sneezes, and also contact with contaminated surfaces. Fungal pneumonia, however, is not contagious and is contracted from the outdoors rather than from person-to-person.

Some of the symptoms for pneumonia diagnosed by Lung specialist in Vijayawada are;

  1. Coughing might as well produce the mucus
  2. Fever, or body temperature reduces than the normal
  3. Sweating or chills
  4. Shortness of breath can experience even while resting or doing the normal daily activities
  5. Severe chest pain while coughing
  6. Tiredness/ fatigue
  7. Loss of hunger
  8. Nausea and feeling of vomiting
  9. Serial headaches
  10. In worst cases confusion.

Bronchitis- Bronchitis often accompanies a cold or sinus infection, causing inflammation of the larger airways in the lungs and resulting in coughing. Acute bronchitis, normally triggered by viral infections like cold or flu viruses, tends to cure with rest over time. Chronic bronchitis, however, is more severe and persistent, considered by ongoing inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which leads to increased mucus formation. This form of bronchitis is commonly associated with smoking. While most cases of acute bronchitis improve with rest, there are treatments available to improve cough and other symptoms.

Symptoms; Feeling tired/ fatigue, Body pains and aches, Shortness in breath, Chest pain/ tightness, Blocked or running nose, and Frequent coughs

Chronic cough- A chronic cough, persisting for eight weeks or longer in adults, can disrupt sleep and lead to tiredness. In severe cases, it may even cause vomiting, light-headedness, or result in rib fractures. Identifying the main cause of a chronic cough can be challenging, but common triggers include tobacco use, postnasal drip, asthma, and acid reflux. Some of the symptoms are;

  1. Running and stuffy nose
  2. Postnasal drips
  3. Throat clearing and sore throat
  4. Hoarseness

It is important to prevent yourself from the air pollution, pollutants, smoking tobacco and avoid eating cold foods. Consult Pulmonologist in Vijayawada if you experience any symptoms and get immediate treatment.