Viral Fevers treatment in Vijayawada

Fever occurs when anti-immune infections attack the body. When the body’s temperature rises it is usually considered a fever. It is a bit uncomfortable and irritable for children as well as adults. Most fear for the fever in the infants as it can lead to serious complications. As fevers are most common in rainy seasons, they go off with everyday medication.

Viral fever doctor in Vijayawada says that in person, 37 degrees C or 98.6 degrees F is considered to be the normal temperature, and slightly above is considered to be a fever. 

What are the causes of fever?

There are many causes of fever, which include;

  1. The most common infections such as colds & coughs, and stomach infections like food poisoning, gastroenteritis, etc
  2. Viral infections, change with the seasons.
  3. Bacterial infections caused by unhygienic places.
  4. Ear infections, throat, and skin infections can also cause fever
  5. Infections caused by insects like ticks etc.
  6. Pests’ infestations in homes like rats, and spiders.
  7. Heat stroke or heat exhaustion happens when the body is dehydrated and salt levels decrease in the body.
  8. Side effects of medications and vaccines, 
  9. Autoimmune conditions like lupus can cause fever
  10. Blood clots or severe accidents sometimes can be the reasons for fever.
  11. Hormone disorders caused by stress, tension, depression phobias, or illegal drugs can cause fevers.

Symptoms and signs:

There are many signs and symptoms like

  1. Might sweat a lot 
  2. Chills and shivering
  3. Lost in the taste of the food
  4. Might experience body pains and headaches
  5. Dehydration, pain in the ears, or pulling sensations.
  6. Weakness or fatigue 
  7. Dizziness and loss of appetite 
  8. Irritation and heat rashes on the body depending on the temperature. 

You will have to consult the doctor or if necessary might have to be admitted to the hospital if you are experiencing the below symptoms:

  1. When your temperature is above 103F (39.4C)
  2. Severe headaches and heat rashes
  3. Sensitive to bright light and sound
  4. Pain in the neck when you bend front or backward
  5. Vomiting or severe dry coughing 
  6. Chest pain or breathlessness 
  7. Pain during urinating or severe abdominal pain.
  8. Affected with severe infections and seizures.

Temperatures can be checked through the oral/mouth thermometer as they are the most accurate ones.This can be done either in our home or in the Best fever hospital in Vijayawada when you visit them with severe complications.  

Evaluation of fevers:

These five different types of fever, which doctors diagnose and provide the treatment accordingly, are:

  1. Intermittent fever is when your temperature rises but falls gradually during any time of the day and will increase up to 2 
  2. Remittent, is a kind the fever that rises and falls, but there won’t be any change in the temperature but might increase a little later.
  3. Continuous or sustained, is when the fever stays constant throughout the day. 
  4. Hectic is a type of fever that increases up to 2C or more throughout the day, you might as well experience headaches, chills, sweating, and shivering.
  5. Relapsing fever is when the fever comes back after a few days or after weeks of normal temperature.  

Prevention or treatment:

Generally, fevers are harmful as they go off with time, but might cause some serious complications to the body following these remedies and taking the medication on time can get rid of fever, and these are some of the preventive remedies:

  1. Staying hydrated – drinking plenty of fluids such as water, buttermilk, coconut water, fruit juices, hot soup of your choice, and broths.
  2. Eat light foods with no spice, which are easily digestible foods like curd rice, porridge, bread milk, etc., as spicy foods lead to vomiting and diarrhea depending on the cause of the fever.
  3. Use a cold compress with a damp cloth to reduce the body temperature or a sponge bath (most of the time prevent bathing as it will increase the body temperature and give chills).
  4. Wear comfortable and light clothing.
  5. The room temperature should be decreased.
  6. Take the prescribed medication from your doctor like ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.

So, follow the above remedies and consult your doctors for fever treatment in Vijayawada in case your fever is causing you more serious complications.