Hypertension treatment in Vijayawada

Hypertension treatment in Vijayawada addresses a common condition seen in people where the arteries are affected by high blood pressure, which is when the pressure of blood increases rapidly in the arteries. Because of that, there is pressure on the heart that makes it work much harder to pump the blood. High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. Doctors usually measure it in millimetres of mercury (mm hg). So, hypertension is gradually measured through certain numbers.

There are stages for the hypertension, they are:

  1. Normal Blood pressure- The normal reading should be from the top 120mm hg and the bottom is 80mm hg
  2. Elevated Blood pressure- The reading for this is from 120-129 mm hg and the bottom is at 80 mm hg.
  3. Stage 1 hypertension- Reading varies from 130-139 mm hg to 80-89 mm hg, usually higher, and many people are affected by stage 1 hypertension.
  4. Stage 2 hypertension- Reading varies from 140 mm hg and above to the bottom at 90 mm hg and above. 
  5. Finally, the hypertensive emergency crisis is the most serious one as it needs immediate attention from blood pressure treatment in Vijayawada as the reading starts from 180/120 mm hg. This increases the risk of heart conditions and other serious complications.  

Symptoms and risk factors for hypertension:

The symptoms are generally not very specific, but these are the most common symptoms that people experience who are suffering from hypertension, they are:

  1. Continuous/ serial headaches.
  2. Shortness of breath/ might sometimes have serious problems with asthma.
  3. Nosebleeds are one of the symptoms, that rarely happens when you are experiencing stage 1 or stage 2 hypertension.

Risk factors:

Certainly, there are many risk factors for high blood pressure, so considering Hypertension treatment in Vijayawada can help in reducing the risk of hypertension, they are:

  1. Age factor plays a crucial role in hypertension, it usually affects people 64 years and older as it is the most common condition in men, and women usually get affected after 65 years.
  2. Hypertension can be hereditary, family history and personal history do play an important role.
  3. Causes of obesity and being overweight can be hypertension. As it causes a lot of changes in the kidneys and blood vessels, the risk for heart disease, and high cholesterol. 
  4. Lack of exercise can lead to body inactivity and also tends to have arrhythmia.
  5. Smoking tobacco and alcohol consumption may lead to pressure in the blood a bit higher and it gradually speeds up the hardening of the arteries.
  6. Too much consumption of sodium can lead to retaining the fluid, which can increase blood pressure.
  7. Lack of potassium level in the body as it controls the amount of sodium levels in the body. It helps in protecting the heart's health which also includes dehydration as well. 
  8. Stress is one such risk factor where you tend to eat a lot, smoke, and alcohol, which helps in increasing blood pressure
  9. Certain diseases like kidney conditions, diabetes, and sleep apnea can lead to hypertension. 

These are some of the risk factors, which should be prevented to save yourself from hypertension.

Diagnostic procedures:

Medication and treatment are provided by Best doctors for hypertension in Vijayawada based on primary and secondary hypertension,  

  1. Primary hypertension can be cured accordingly with changes in lifestyle and other activities. 
  2. Secondary hypertension takes time to cure as it needs regular Medical attention and should be taking the medications prescribed, but patients may have side effects from some medications, so doctors might change for the improvement.