Infectious Disease Specialist in Vijayawada

Infections are the conditions caused when the germs enter and grow in the body. These germs can be bacteria, yeast, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms. They can start anywhere in the body and spread through it. These infections can cause fevers, colds, headaches, and other health problems, depending on the location of the organism in the body. Usually, our immune system works as a defensive mechanism that shields the body and prevents the organisms from multiplying, but in rare cases when the immune system is weak due to previous Medical history, it could not fight back and leads to many other serious problems. 

Infectious diseases are typically spread from person to person, through insects or animals, or by consuming expired or contaminated foods left outdoors. Symptoms vary depending on the specific organism, but fever and fatigue are common. Rest and home remedies can often help manage mild infections. However, diseases like measles and chickenpox can only be prevented through vaccination.

Infections Image

Some of the general symptoms are as follows:

  1. Fever
  2. Fatigue
  3. Vomiting
  4. Dizziness
  5. Rashes
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Muscle aches/body pains
  8. Cough and cold
  9. Headaches

Types of infections

Certainly, there are different types of infections, that cause different health conditions in our body, and symptoms and treatment procedures depend on the type, they are;

Bacterial infections  are the one-celled organisms known as Prokaryotes, you can find the bacteria in three different shapes namely Spherical, rod-shaped, and spiral. They can live almost in every environment, even in radioactive and chemical wastes. Usually, the good bacteria attacks the bad bacteria and helps in preventing the disease but in some cases, it causes illnesses such as 

  1. Urinary tract infections
  2. Tuberculosis 
  3. Sore throat 
  4. Cholera 
  5. Typhoid
  6. Bacterial meningitis
  7. Pneumonia, gastric 
  8. Food poisoning 
  9. Eye infections, and 
  10. Sinusitis 

These are usually treated with antibiotics by the Infectious disease specialist in Vijayawada

Viral infections  are even smaller organisms, caused by the infection owned by a virus. Generally, viruses have some lipid, protein, and genetic code that saves them. So these viruses attach and hold themselves to the cells and leave the genetic material that helps in multiplying them, it is a continuous process. Viruses do not have an age group, they can infect an adult to an infant. Some of the viruses namely HPV and EBV cause cancer by replicating the cells. It can stay calm for some time and can reactivate and attack the body again, some of the symptoms such as: 

  1. The common cold is caused by to Rhino, Corona, and Edeno viruses
  2. Encephalitis and meningitis are caused by enterovirus
  3. Skin infections and warts caused by HVP and HSV
  4. Gastroenteritis caused by norovirus
  5. Zika virus 
  6. HIV/ AID’s 
  7. Hepatitis C
  8. Flu (swine flu)
  9. Dengue fever
  10. Middle East respiratory syndrome

Antiviral medication is given to the patient by the best doctors for infections in Vijayawada as they are more effective, but antibiotics are not helpful as they can react with the body.

Fungal Infections  cause many skin infections, these enter the body through the mouth, nose, or any cut in the skin. These are the multicellular parasites that can leave and take the organic materials using an enzyme, some kind of fungus can be single-celled. They are usually in a long cylindrical shape with some filaments coming out of the body. They are mostly affected on the upper layer of the skin and others on the deeper layer of the skin to cause other problems. Some of the inhaled yeast and mold can cause fungal infections which are known as systematic infections. In the body good bacteria help in eliminating other organisms to prevent diseases, this good bacteria is present in the intestines, vagina, mouth, and other parts of the body. Using antibiotics for a longer period, weakened immune system, diabetes, HIV, and other treatments can be some of the risk factors for the growth of fungal infections. Some of the diseases by fungal infections are:

  1. Valley fever
  2. Candidiasis
  3. Athlete’s foot
  4. Ringworm
  5. Some eye infections
  6. Rashes, and some skin infections due to fungus  
  7. Histoplasmosis

There are some of the preventive measures such as:

  1. Washing hands after using the toilet or touching something
  2. Getting vaccinated at a young age or if infected with any of the infections
  3. Stay home when ill and prevent contact with anyone who is sick
  4. Prevent eating from outside and cook food safely
  5. Prevent unprotected sex
  6. Don’t share your products with others mainly the soaps, and cigarettes. 
  7. Travel safely and get the information before traveling to the places.

Consult Infectious hospitals in Vijayawada if any of the infections cause serious health conditions.